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LinkedIn 101

LinkedIn 101

Who would have thought that a job title, a headline or a photo on LinkedIn could have such an impact on how the 530 million or so users see you. Not me! That’s who. When I created my LinkedIn profile many moons ago I just answered the questions and picked a photo that didn’t make me look like I was about to sneeze. Well don’t worry folks, I attended Wayne Breitbarth's LinkedIn training session last week and now I have a profile that shines.

Wayne taught us how to make our headline catchy and creative, letting the viewer know you are the master of your field. This is the first thing anyone viewing your profile sees and if it is memorable, guess what…people remember it! Don’t be afraid to brag, that is what it is there for. I took away so many new tips on how to stand out from the crowd of millions with my same job title. I think Wayne may have boosted my ego just a tad as well, and now feel confident that I am putting my best foot forward in LinkedIn Land.

And for the sales folks, in addition to the shiny new profile did you know that LinkedIn, unlike most other social media platforms really does a great job of making the “cold call” warmer. I prefer getting a call or an email that mentions a mutual “friend” rather than the annoying email that can’t even spell your name right. Oh, let’s not forget that one guy that always calls asking for Mr. Kelly Bergmann. Yeah, he is NOT my favorite. Wayne taught us how to use our connections to gain insight into a company or person we are trying to win over in a way that makes you better informed and come highly recommended.

When it comes to social media in any form, I think we all assume it is what it is and that training is not worth the time. I will be the first in line to disagree. With my new profile and the new tips on how to navigate the search features, I truly believe that I will be an even bigger asset to the VBCC team. I might even go so far as to say, I make them look good.

For some tips and tricks, check out Wayne’s website, Power Formula and sign up for his newsletter. You won’t be sorry you did.

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