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YEAR END TIPS 4 Tips for a Successful Year End

YEAR END TIPS 4 Tips for a Successful Year End

Here are just a few tips to keep in mind as you begin year end processing in Sage 100.

  1. General Ledger Closing ‐ While it’s a good idea to close modules in a timely fashion, the General Ledger (GL) can remain open for as long as you need while awaiting final processing (or audit adjustments) in other modules. A GL that’s still open for 2016 will NOT prevent you from entering transactions for the new year. 
  1. Payroll Planning ‐ Even if your company is on a fiscal year, you’ll need to close out payroll at the end of the calendar year.  

It’s a good idea to begin reconciling all of your payroll tax reports to the general ledger in early December.  This gives you a chance to catch errors early and avoid filing an amended payroll tax return.  

Note: All W‐2’s and quarterly reports must be printed before payroll is closed in order to process the first payroll for 2017.

  1. Check Your Version Number ‐ Closing procedures can vary depending on which version of Sage 100 you’re currently running.  For Version 4.0 or above, do the following to identify both your version number and service pack:

Select Help > About Sage 100 

  1. Master Console ‐ Once you’re actually ready to close, you need to make sure all users are out of the system. That’s where the Master Console comes in handy. This utility provides a snapshot of all users currently logged into Sage 100, the workstation being used, what programs/tasks they are using, the activity date, and more. From this screen, you can also broadcast a message to all users or even shut them down remotely.


To launch the Master Console: 

Select File > Master Console


Keeping Things In Order


A year end process in one module often writes data to another module. Therefore, the sequence in which you close your Sage 100 (formerly “MAS 90” or “MAS 200”) modules is extremely important in order to avoid the risk of damaging your data.

Important: Remember to back up your data before starting any module closing procedures. The only way to “reverse” year end processing in Sage 100 is to  restore your data from a backup. 

  1. Bill of Materials*
  2. Work Order Processing*
  3. Bar Code
  4. Purchase Order Processing
  5. Sales Order Processing
  6. Inventory Management
  7. Material Requirements Planning (MRP)*
  8. Timecard
  9. Electronic Reporting/Magnetic Data*
  10. Payroll (Quarter‐end processing)
  11. Accounts Receivable
  12. Accounts Payable
  13. Job Cost
  14. Bank Reconciliation
  15. General Ledger

*Note: While there is no formal closing procedure in the Bill of Materials, Work Order, MRP, and Electronic Reporting modules, all transactions in those modules should be posted before starting any closing procedures in the modules that follow them (i.e. Post transactions in Work Order beforeclosing Purchase Order, Sales Order, and Inventory).

Remember, this is just a general guideline.  If you own modules that aren’t listed above or you run any third party add‐on products, please contact us at 262.797.0400 to discuss specific closing procedures for your company.

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