Joe Jenders | President
With over 30 years of experience, Joe Jenders' hard work and dedication, combined with his real-world understanding, earned him national exposure as an expert in Sage Operations Management (OM).
How the Journey Began
Joe graduated from the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater with his Bachelor of Business Administration in Accounting (1987) and started his career as a public accountant at Vrakas CPAs + Advisors. He successfully passed all four CPA exams on his first try and worked in both the tax and audit departments. Joe climbed his way up to Audit Manager working heavily with manufacturing companies. As Joe continued to develop relationships with his clients, he became more involved in consulting engagements. He worked with clients to implement or improve their systems and accounting procedures, as well as providing various levels of month-end accounting assistance.
The Birth of Vrakas/Blum Computer Consulting, LLC
Ten short years later, Joe transitioned out of the audit department and took responsibility for the firm's Sage MAS 90 practice. In 1998, Joe officially created a new company, Vrakas/Blum Computer Consulting, LLC (VBCC).
The Early Days of VBCC
When Joe launched VBCC, the practice had 10 Sage clients. Fast-forward 22 years and they now have over 350 active clients across the country.
Early on, Joe had two fantastic mentors, Steve Murphy, former president of DM2 and Tom Frishberg, developer of JobOps.
When Joe first started the practice, he was one of the first and most successful solution providers of DM2 Software, a vertical solution for the petroleum distribution industry. Through his success providing DM2, he formed a great relationship with Steve Murphy, who spent time with Joe to show him how to qualify prospects and create impressive presentations.
In 1999, Joe became certified in JobOps software. In his rookie year of being certified, he sold more than any other new solution provider in the nation and was named the JobOps New Solution Provider of the Year. Tom Frishberg was generous with his time, training Joe with his in-depth knowledge of the software. With Joe's attention to detail, support from Tom and drive to continue to build his business, Joe went on to become a force to be reckoned with.
The Growth Years
In the next two decades, Joe continued to add top notch consultants who had consulting and industry experience. Joe has mentored this group to become some of the best in the industry. Currently, VBCC has the strongest manufacturing implementation team of any other Sage Solution Provider in the nation.
VBCC’s client base increased both organically and through acquisitions of other practices through the years. VBCC attributes its growth, even in the recession years, to presenting solutions and not software.
The Era of Creating Alliance Partnerships
VBCC began making relationships with other resellers who were not certified in JobOps. In the early days, the relationships were with direct competitors of VBCC. In addition, the relationships were also with CPA firms in Wisconsin, which were a direct competitor of our affiliate company, Vrakas CPAs + Advisors.
Joe and his team were able to move past being competitors and create successful alliances. This proved to be the catalyst for creating a nationwide network of Sage resellers, who partner with VBCC as their manufacturing expert.
The result of this nationwide alliance network gave Joe and his team the experience of performing more than 300 manufacturing implementations, which is approximately 1/3 of all implementations in the nation.
This opportunity to align with our alliance partners has given VBCC experience in a variety of different manufacturing and service industries, as well as a wealth of exposure to different business processes.
President of VBCC
As President of VBCC, Joe's primary responsibility is selling Sage Manufacturing Software, which he is known nationally as the JobOps expert. Joe loves implementing manufacturing software because "you are only limited by your own creativity." Each new client brings new challenges that are satisfying to solve. During the sales process, Joe develops a vision for how to configure the software along with the processes it takes to achieve the company's requirements. Joe will mock-up a custom demonstration of his vision to provide the prospect an idea of how the software and processes will work specifically for them. In the end, this ensures a perfect fit for the client and an easy transition to the implementation process.
Joe understands the importance of maintaining great relationships with not only VBCC clients, but its strategic vendors. Each year VBCC hosts one of the most attended user conferences in the nation which features over 20 of its strategic vendors. In addition, Joe hosts an annual weekend networking retreat at his farm in rural Wisconsin for many of these vendors.
Joe serves as a resource for Sage Software, JobOps and other tactical vendors. In addition to his role as President and Shareholder of VBCC, Joe is also a Shareholder of Vrakas CPAs + Advisors.
Sage 100 Implementation Consultant
Sage Operations Management
Sage Production Management
Certified Public Accountant